Mumbai and Kolkata Knight Riders owner, Bollywood star Shahrukh oyankhere Stadium Khan banned for five years, India has reacted strongly reaffirmed the state Bharatiya Janata Party (arajedi) lalu Prasad Yadav in the main. His claim, that the offense has been saharukhake. '
Asian News International (eenaai) said, with journalists outside the Parliament building, lalu Prasad Yadav's party alapakale saharukhera, the IPL should be stopped. '
Lalu Prasad Yadav claimed that, 'Everything is obedient to hold.'
The state of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Bandyopadhyay in Mumbai Cricket Association, called the decision undemocratic.
16 May night in the Indian television interrogation, against Kolkata Knight Riders Mumbai Indians oyankhere Stadium after 32 runs with partners in the field of access to Shahrukh Khan. He answered that he was prevented at the time of the invasion of nirapattakarmira.Enduring emasiera If you go with them in this ill-treatment of Bollywood star. Shahrukh Khan in Mumbai Cricket Association Stadium in oyankhere banned for five years and.Shahrukh Khan's time, 'drunk', he said officials in the association. However, on Thursday denied allegations that the BNP, 'I was not drunk. I put my boys went to fetch. But officials in harsh and maramukhi behavior. Immediately, but I resent paraksanei cool.
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