The most popular social networking website Facebook has filed suit against one of the most popular search engine Yahoo. Yahoo! Sign patent license without the use of technology in the 10 complaints against the case of Facebook by Yahoo. The turbulence has a number of cases worldwide. California district court and filed a claim abhiyogapatre Yahoo also has created some of their technology, which includes messaging, news feeds, generation, social kamentim ayadabhartaijim disape ¬, Worldwide's control, and illegal use of the time. Abhiyogapatre Yahoo case, and not 004 calui of Facebook. But Yahoo has been established for ten years before. The new site has become a busy one. However, it has been possible to patent the technology and use of Yahoo! Games. Users can even create their own online social networking profile, and to communicate with others of their own social networking technology as a whole madelatii Yahoo! Yahoo claims. It's illegal to have them shipped. Patents and Technology for Apple, Microsoft, Motorola mobiliti each of his involvement with the case of Yahoo, social networking websites - Facebook mamalatii first. Facebook recently announced that it has come to share as a public company. The prratisthanatira value exceeds 100 billion. As a public company after the IPO was announced that Yahoo! has to be the case. This may be the case that the impact of technology on Facebook aipiora twentieth sakara. He did not comment on any of the cases.
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