Very calm and docile animal, foliage long turtle. Tortoise tough outer covering of the surface of the body as a shield to protect Í. When the hunter or any animal that attacks the hard outer covering of the four legs and head inside the wrap. Which it failed to give the hunter. However, a large and ravenous than kayekaguna than it does not attack anyone.
However, an amphibian turtles. They come up from the water adhikaksana ashore.Tortoise food has the benefit of both instances. If they have green water plants such as water, moss plantana, microbiology, etc. are used. Ashore and coastal areas of the millennium, soft plant foods as they are the result of the janmano. The best feature is the long-lived animals. This is because the analysis of the tortoise's body disease - a very low amount of germs. However, some of the longevity of the tortoise. North coast of Africa, the hunter often fishermen caught a giant turtle, who is aged about a hundred majhabayasi the periyeche group.
But the question is where to plant the stone age - have died, the survivors are shipped to an active life. The main reason was the tortoise lived bahirgathanakei of the body.However, the long-term research on various turtles found her body stronger than bahirgathanera prakrtii the main cause of long-lived.
Biological and vegetarian tortoise prakrtigatabhabei about ourselves than the cost of energy is very small. The rest I long to help increase vitality. Special body formed the back bone, and adverse weather, attacks from outside the firm baksadesa kacchapake get help. A large tortoise lung. Outside the body, cover tightly, and lungs than if pholate amtosamto because turtles can not never. Even as the air in the lungs of a turtle in a species over its four-part, one does not take part in the air. This submission is not greater than the fatigue strength is very slow and lung damage.
Summer tortoise favorite season. Slight sun tortoise particular favorite. A fair turtles prefer to avoid the rain, but the big dot. Sitakalata tortoise too distressing. They are not very obvious in mid October. But watch out for when they burrow. Unearth the deep hole is not to create it themselves. Up to five feet deep 0 to 15 key-hole in the soil uttape their own sustainability. If the snow is too cold or when it is very hard to kacchapadera. If it is cold and the snow pit was very deep level in the pit when it is cold prakope tortoise.Turtle at the end of October or November and the first to enter the garte early April. In the five months of continuous rest. Because of the passive state when no food is required. Early April when the turtles come out from the hole he is extremely weak state.Vulnerabilities and spend a couple of months time tortoise. I like a lot of new vitality in the punarjara. Turtles have survived without chronic hunger. For the type of help. Five months after the hunger strike began a month ago, eating turtles is reduced. Hunger makes him ready for the pratibacharai.
Many countries in the world kacchapake untameable. Considerable amenity to the garden is the atti. Many of the commercial cultivation of the tortoise.
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