Saurajhara rush into a powerful world. The power system, the satellite may be in circulation, and air traffic bighi œ. Large amount of earth on Thursday, hurt hanate saurajharati ayanita tarangabahi in the National Careers Investor ayatamospherika osenika and administration (Noah), experts said. They also started strong on Tuesday to storm the world can hurt hanate. Five years has been reported in the October saurajhara more powerful. BBC News Online, and AP.Abahaoyabidara fear of doing, in order that they may saurajharera kabale power system, satellite navigation system and even air. The carjita particle emissions may cause the most damage. However, if the sky is clear ploar light poles will be answered the researchers said. The weather cycle surye now taking an active state. The dasake the 'Solar Cycle 4. The 013 will be activated in the final cycle.Noah Joseph kunacesa expert said on Tuesday that the three levels of jharati has come to earth. The powerful solar waves in the earth paumcheche Tuesday. Solar radiation hitting the Earth's magnetic field in the second hane. He said Thursday nihsarita the nimbus cloud ¬ asama hanabe hit the earth, and the level at power system, satellite navigation and air circulation and the uptake of mineral oil and use the GPS measures bighi ƒ œ to be. Saurajharera the polar regions can be more targeted. The air movement in the region as far as possible to avoid the rutagulo. The answer is very bright ploar light poles in the storm and the effects can be seen barnila also been reported. 197 The influence of the United States, Illinois, a saurajharera angarajye durapala - child telephone service was disconnected.
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