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Friday, May 18, 2012

My father parakiya reasons - four motherless children are stupid

Because of her love-cheat father parakiya - orphan and vulnerable children living in four stupid.
Sherpur district has been the case, according to Khalil, son of former military members aiyuba harinadhara him 7 years ago, Ali mastarera bakasiganjera aiyuba begamake daughter married in Celina. They live in conjugal life with 6 percent of the land purchased to house the headquarters of kacariparaya. Sansare their two children born to take.Celina's brother and his wife, two side manoyara child's mother and sister at home to live in the sinu aktarake. Opportunity to live together in the same home win of the Corinthian aiyuba sinura him. At one point they pulled parakiya love. My wife, child, drag him parakiya aiyuba recently abandoned by fleeing to the sinu aktarake. This is due to the fatherless son of a daughter of the Prophet aiyuba. On the other hand the orphanage manoyara's brother-in-law's son is inconsolable.
The charges against the husband abandoned his wife Celina and Sherpur most badi filed in court. He was mad rip rogue aiyuba filed after the house stopped working bakasiganja sahadora smaller sister to the hospital, then known as the Paradise khatune. Celina side lack the most money in the manabetara santana life has stopped on the other hand, the last house evictions atanke bhogache.


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